Thursday, May 28, 2009

82 degrees in the shade!

And it's not even June yet - Yikes! We are very tempted to strap some ice cubes to our heads as we walk about the fields. All we can say is...if this keeps up, it is going to be a banner year for eggplant, peppers and tomatoes :-)

All this warm weather has us altering our plans a bit - we'll give it to Mother Nature, she sure teaches one to be flexible and adaptable! The cold loving plants simply aren't going to last this year with such a short and odd spring. So we are planting things like Orach and New Zealand Spinach which are great spinach substitutes, and do well in warm weather. Be on the lookout for them.
Things are continuing to grow here - we've got summer and winter squash, cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes hanging out in the greenhouse waiting to get into the fields. This weekend will probably see the tomatoes and peppers transplanted. Cucumbers have to wait until the soil warms up a touch more. They are looking good!

The warmer weather brings out some unwelcome visitors to the farm...the pest have arrived. Flea beetles, which actually look quite a bit like fleas, love the heat...we've found them hopping out there, nibbling holes in tender young leaves. When they are finished the leaves will look like they've been shot full of tiny buckshot. Luckily they don't care for the older leaves, so if you can struggle through the early part of the season with these guys, it should come to no harm.

Cucumber beetles are another story altogether. Ever see a bug buzzing about that looks like a green ladybug with spots? Well, that's no ladybug! Cucumber beetles are bad news, carrying viruses which they pass along to the plants when they bite into it. Definitely do what you can to get rid of them.

Our two young chicks hatched out a few weeks ago are doing well, scratching up the soil with mom. It is amazing how fast they grow.
Try not to melt and have a great weekend!

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